What is Social Justice Art Therapy?

During the Social Justice Caucus Focus Group session at the 2017 Annual Conference of the American Art Therapy Association, members suggested that the SJC formulate a working definition of the term social justice. Creating a definition will help to refine art therapists' understanding of the concept of social justice, and will assist in clarifying the relationship between social justice and the field of art therapy.

While we work to build this definition, we would like to offer an evolving list of resources for reference:

Hemphill, B. (2015). Social justice as a moral imperative. The open journal of occupational therapy, 3(2), Article 9, 1-7. doi: 10.15453/2168-6408.1150

Reisch, M. (2002). Defining social justice in a socially unjust world. Families in society: The journal of contemporary human services, 83(4), 343-354. doi: 10.1606/1044-3894.17

Sajnani, N., Marxen, E., & Zarate, R. (2017). Critical perspectives in the arts therapies: Response/ability across a continuum of practice. The arts in psychotherapy, 54(2017), 28-37. doi: 10.1016/j.aip.2017.01.007

Sanjani, N., & Mayor, C. (2018, May 1). Drama therapy and social justice [web log post]. Retrieved from https://www.criticalpedagogyartstherapies.com/single-post/2018/05/01/Drama-Therapy-and-Social-Justice


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